Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Wednesday- Red white and blue for my american friends!

Hey loves,

Happy Wednesday

 Wednesday is always a good day, close to the weekends, cheap nights out in town (£1 a drink how could you say no, it turns out usually you should say no, then no again, and again, and again....)
But this is for you all (yes I am aware that I could be saluting to the olympic torch heading through my home town this weekend- wooohoo!) Instead I am saying happy 4th of July!

What have you done today?

I'm not sure what common 4th July practices are (I'm pretty sure I once saw a Saved by the Bell that was 4July and there were fireworks?) But tell me all about your days and what you wore :)

Talk soon!

Jess xox


  1. I'm Asian, but Happy Fourth of July to you and to all lovely Americans out there! Red and blue also represents my country's (Philippines) flag, so red and blue is cool!

    And you're pretty! <3 :-)

  2. hahha. everything you need to know about life can be learned from saved by the bell!

  3. I love your outfit, you look adorable! The red sunnies to top it off are the perfect touch :)
    I live in Colorado, and a lot of the fireworks were cancelled because it has been so hot and dry here that there have been a ton of really bad wildfires! So, I had a more non traditional fourth of july by staying cool at the movie theatre seeing moonrise kingdom, followed by breakfast for dinner at a diner!
    Hope you are having a wonderful day, you have terrific taste!
    xo Hannah

  4. Aw! I love the mini celebration! :) 4th of july is SUCH a fun holiday (when there aren't major fire dangers. but still). Traditionally there are parades and festivals/ carnivals, bbq's, family gatherings and game playing, being outside as much as you can, watching bands play good ol' american music, and of course- the night is always capped off with fireworks. :) Can't wait to write my post!

  5. This is so cute! I really like your outfit! Also, I love following your blog and just wanted to let you know that I've nominated you for a Liebster Award. You can find more information about it on my blog post here:
    You don't have to participate, but I hope you do! Have a great day!

  6. Such a cute outfit! I have yet to add any photos from the 4th on my blog. Well, I was practically in a bathing suit all day floating around in the lake, so my outfit isn't has adorbs as yours.


Thank you for your comments :) I'll always reply to your messages as quickly as I can!