Monday, 21 May 2012

Make it Monday! Chevron Coasters!

Hello fellow makers!
As you all know today is another Make it Monday! Also... as you all know I love me some Chevrons. So here is another easy and quick tutorial for you to do :) Enjoy!

What you'll need:
Hama beads in your choice of colours
Peg board
An Iron
Greaseproof paper

1. Design your pattern, choice your shape and size!

 2. Repeat!

 3. Cover with greaseproof paper and heat iron

 4. Press one side until beads melt together slightly

 5. This is with one side pressed! (It can be left like this..
but I prefer it smooshed!)

 6. Examples of my three designs
(top two one side pressed, bottom both sides ironed!)

 7. Leave to cool under something heavy (and heatproof!)
to make sure your coaster stays flat

There you go!

How easy was that??! Now I'm having a pretty stressful week and doing these totally made my day! I got to sit down and do something for myself. It's that stressful "end of year" time of year so I wish you all the best of luck with exams etc! Don't forget to do something for you every now and again!

What have you done for you today?

Jess xox


  1. this reminds me of my childhood. my grandma would hang these in her kitchen window after we all made the most atrocious designs.

  2. How cute are those?! Love it Jess :)

    The Other Side of Gray

  3. Oh my goodness! I LOVED making those when I was little! What a fun idea for coasters! Good times!


Thank you for your comments :) I'll always reply to your messages as quickly as I can!